Frequently Asked Questions

How do I search for Products?

Simply locate the search box on the top of the website. There you can enter a simple query based on a key word found in the product title or description or use the advanced search to narrow down your search results based on other related details about the product you are looking for.

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What if I cannot find a product?

At VitaminSource our goal is to cover all your health needs in every way possible. We are constantly adding new products to our inventory line. We work with over 350 different manufacturers and distributors, so if for some reason you can't find a particular product on our site, contact us by email or call us toll-free 1.877.368.1200 Mon - Fri 9:30AM - 4:30PM EST and Sat 9:30AM - 4:30PM EST. We most likely can special order the product for you (we'll even give you our normal 20% - 50% OFF retail).

Please note: based on the availability of your specified product and where in the world it comes from, will depend on your shipping time. We will however do our best to let you know how long it will take for your product to arrive.

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How do I place a new order?

Ordering is simple. All you have to do is go to your desired product and click "Add to cart". Doing this will add that item to your shopping cart. From there, you can either continue shopping or "proceed to checkout". Once you have chosen all the products that you wish to purchase, just click on the "check out" button. Then all you have to do is either (if you are an existing user) enter your username and ping code (sent to your email address) or create an account. Once you have created an account, you can then proceed to the checkout area. All you have to do is decide how you would like your order shipped and click purchase. Within 2-3 seconds your credit card will either be approved or denied. Once your card is approved you can then print out the confirmation page and save it as your receipt. A receipt will also be emailed to you for your records. We allow you to "create your own account" so that you don't have to enter your billing information every time you order. Creating an account, will also allow you to check on the status of your order or view previous order information.

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What methods of payment do you accept?

VitaminSource excepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, PayPal, Shop Pay, money orders and personal checks. If you wish to pay by check or money order, please mail your payment along with your name, address, phone number and order description to:

120 South Main Street,
Royal Oak, Michigan 48067

Please specify what product you are ordering and where you would like your product to be sent.(Please note: That by sending a check, your product may take slightly longer to arrive than the normal delivery time).

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Can I return a product?

At VitaminSource your satisfication is our main focus. If for any reason you are unhappy with any product you have purchased from us, you may return it for a full refund (less the original shipping). Only one opened product purchased is eligible for return. All others of the same product must be in an unopened condition for refund. This unconditional money back guarantee covers the the first 30 days from your date of your purchase. Please call us 1.877.368.1200 within 30 days of the purchase date to receive authorization and return instructions.

Mail your returned item back to the following address:

120 South Main Street,
Royal Oak, Michigan 48067

We will not be responsible for shipping and handling on returned items. We recommend using UPS or some other form of insured mail for returns as we can not be responsible for items that never make it back to our warehouse.

Items that are older then 30 days will be taken back on an individual basis only. Please contact us to see if you are eligible for a refund.

** Please note: ALL returns must receive an RMA (return merchandise authorization) number in order for the return to be processed. Please write your RMA number on the outside of your package. If an RMA number is not listed on the outside of your return, it will be refused by our returns department and mailed back to you. Please contact us at 1-877-368-1200 to receive an RMA number.

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How is my information being protected?

To place an order on our site, your browser must except SSL. We use some of the strongest encrypting technology available to safely secure your information. We also protect customer information simply by never selling, trading, loaning or renting your personal information to others (EVER!). VitaminSource is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

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What is your shipping policy?

To read our shipping policy, please click here.

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What is your contact information?

For our contact information, click here.

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    Premium Ingredients.
    100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.


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    Shipping $4.75 or less!
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